Vorhang auf für den Allrounder Ngugi!


Der heutige Blog-Eintrag ist ganz unserem Gastgeber in Kenia gewidmet. Ngugi Muiruri, der Koordinator von imagine Kenya mag Passionsfrüchte, investiert ins Honig-Business und hat jede Menge Erfahrung im Projekt-Managment.


Bild: Ngugi Muiruri

How and when did you join the imagine-Team?

I joined imagine in 2009, and in 2010 we did our first event. By then I joined as a volunteer in event-design in the first year. And since then I worked in every working group. Before that I was a volunteer in EYAA (Embu Youth Aids Advocates).

How would you describe your position in the team of imagine Kenya?

I would describe it as a rollercoaster. You experience highs and lows. Challenges are part of it as well as solving problems fast. And above all you are like the father of everything, people ask you questions even if you don’t know answers, but you have to reassure that you will get things working by the end of the day.

What is the main aim of imagine Kenya as a project with the festival and the other activities?

The main aim as it is now is to give the youth of Kenya an empowerment platform, with the festival as well as with the other activities.

What impact do you want to have personally with your work for imagine?

The responsibilities you’re given in imagine are making you a better version of who you are. By working with imagine you get to work with many other people and it helps to get another perspective on other people. People in imagine should profit by the new knowledge that’s provided in the project each and every day.

Why should someone participate in project imagine in any of the four countries in the world?

It’s an experience that is incomparable. It is a platform that helps you to interact with others, to get to know people of different cultures, different countries.

What swiss-german word do you miss most in Suaheli?

I use „danke“ a lot, I learned it in Switzerland during the partner meeting. And maybe „was labersch du“.

Vom 28.01. bis zum 06.02. berichtet hier die Delegation von imagine Schweiz über den Projektbesuch von imagine Kenya in Embu.
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